Ordinance and Regulation 2016
University offers Doctoral Research Programme leading to Ph.D. degree in the following faculties.
- Faculty of Management
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Dentistry
- Faculty of Pharmacy
- Faculty of Commerce
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Education
- Preamble
- Definitions
- Ordinances
- Regulations
- R.1 - Eligibility Criteria for Ph.D. Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor
- R.2 - Procedure for Admission
- R.3 - Allocation of Supervisor/Co – Supervisor/Industry Advisor
- R.4 - Course work
- R.5 - Procedure Synopsis Approval
- R.6 - Fees
- R.7 - Evaluation and Assessment Methods
- R.8 - Format for Thesis Preparation
- R.9 - Withdrawal the Programme
- R.10 - Cancellation of Registration
- R.11 - General
- R.12 - Grievance Redressal Mechanism
- R.13 - Research Policy
- R.14 - Research Ethics Board
- Schedule I
- Schedule II
- Schedule III
- Schedule IV
- Schedule V
- Schedule VI
- Appendices
- A1. Supervisor Recognition Form
- B1. Student Application Form
- B2. Admit Card
- B3. Admit Card
- B4. Student Registration Form
- B5. Format for Outlines of Proposed Research Work
- B6. Half Yearly Progress Report
- C1. Cover Page of Thesis
- C2. Declaration Certificate of Candidate
- C3. Certificate by Supervisor
- C5. Declaration on Non Judicial Stamp by Candidate and Supervisor
- C6. Cover Page of Synopsis
- C7. Copyright
- C8. Certificate of Scores by Supervisor
- Appendices