The Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research University herein after also referred as Pacific University offers doctoral research programmes in the Faculties of Engineering, Pharmacy, Management Studies, Dental Science, Commerce, Education, Hotel Management, Media and Mass Communication, Science and Arts(Social Science & Humanities) leading to the award of Ph.D. Degree. The award of Doctor of Philosophy degree is an academic achievement of high esteem. Innovativeness and creativity in the work and reliability and validity in the findings shall constitute the core criteria to assess and evaluate the research work for the award of Ph.D. degree. Originality in the work shall be of paramount importance. The grant of Doctor of Philosophy shall be governed by the ordinance and regulations that follow hereafter.
The candidate shall be enrolled in regular mode for Ph.D. degree in the Faculties of Engineering, Science, Pharmacy, Management Studies, Dental Science, Commerce, Fashion Technology, Media & Mass Communication, Arts(Social Science & Humanities), Hotel Management and Education twice in a year through a written test followed by an interview.
The University strives to promote research of International Standards and shall also help and encourage the students to seek patents and publish research papers in national and international journals.