Certificate to be given by Supervisor as per Form No. C3
2 (two) Hard copies duly singed by you Supervisor in Spiral Binding and 1 Soft copy both in Word as well as PDF Format.
Details of minimum Two Paper Publications in Journal having ISSN and out of which at least one should be in any of the Journal indexed with Pubmed, Elsevier, SCOPUS, Springer or Journal having SCI (Science Citation Index) Impact Factor by Thomson Reuters during the research period for the award of Ph.D. degree and pertaining to the topic related to the Ph.D. research work. Copy of full length paper it be enclosed in Spiral Binding.
Details of Minimum two paper presentation and at least one participation in any National /International Conference pertaining to the research topic selected for the award of Ph.D. degree. Copy of certificate of the same should be enclosed in Spiral Binding.