Blog on Environmental problems in Delhi
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Most of the population of Delhi is affected by the pollution generated by mainly Carbon monoxide, ozone, PM2.5 and PM10 partials, CO2 and greenhouse gas. These air pollutant gases also highly affecting the change in climate of Delhi. Indian scientists estimate that carbon dioxide is not main element for only responsible for pollution in Delhi. This pollution is mainly responsible by very dangerous gases like Ozone, NO2, SO3 and particular matter (PM particles ) present in air which is create by industries and vehicles. In the last week of the December 2018 Air quality index of PM 2.5 and PM 10 are in severe condition. Average of Air quality index of PM10 and PM 2.5 are 350 to 550 and 250 to 350 g/m2¬¬. This is very harmful condition for people and plants in Delhi city. The size of small organic or inorganic particles are related to create different types of health disease. Particles less than 10 micrometers pose the big problems, because they can enter into lungs, some of the particles soluble in our blood and such particles can affect our lungs, kidney and heart. PM2.5 and PM10 particle leads to various problems e.g. improper heartbeat, cardiac disease, respiratory sickness, aggravated asthma, coughing or difficulty breathing, increased respiratory symptoms, various cancer and allergy problem.
Authored By:
Dr. Nasir Hussain
Assistant Professor
Pacific College of Basic and Applied Sciences
PAHER University,Udaipur