Pacific Dental College & Hospital
Recognized by Dental Council of India, New Delhi
About the College
The College and Hospital are spread over a 1.3 lakh sq.ft. area that accommodates the administration offices, nine dental departments, four lecture theatres (120 seats per theatre) and a library. The nine departments are equipped with separate under-graduate and post-graduate sections, fully equipped with seminar rooms and are serviced with more than 325 dental chairs with all required attachments. The library is equipped with more than 5000 books, with more being added in every academic year. It subscribes to more than 150 international journals on oral and dental healthcare. A separate section with internet connectivity allows faculty and students to access to the subscribed online medical journals. There is a separate section on the campus having an area of 25,000 sq.ft. for the Department of Basic Sciences. The campus also includes hostels for students, with separate buildings for undergraduate and graduate students.
More than 450 outdoor patients per day
1. 12th National Triple O Symposium March 2014
2. OSPE/ OSCE Programme March 2014
3. Master Class in Oral Surgery March 2014
4. Samiksha in Periodontology Feb 2014
5. Management of Orofacial pain April 2014
6. Teacher Training Programme in Periodontology 2013
7. Management of Trigeminal Neuralgia 2013
8. CDE: IDA Colgate Future Dental Professional Programme Sep2013
9. Rajasthan State Dental Conference (IDA) Dec 2012
10. 7th ISPPD National P. G.
11. Conducted Survey on menace of tobacco consumption and resultant case of oral cancer in tribal dominated areas of Rajasthan
12. Conducted Rajasthan State Dental Conference on 14th Dec, 2012